Home » Product Range » Reservoir/habitat expanded clay 25L
Expanded clay is provided in a 25 litre bag and is used to retain water in the reservoir/wet habitat areas of the NatureArk to provide moisture for plant growth, and damp conditions to support micro-organisms, amphibians and reptiles.
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"Not only has BioScapes helped believe housing work toward our environmental objectives, but we’ve also benefitted the local community and helped people get involved in enhancing the environment."
Andrea Baxter, Environmental Manager, believe housing
As seen in our installation demonstration video, the NatureArk contains a number of habitats that enable multiple species to coexist and interact as they would in a natural ecosystem.
This includes a removeable integrated wet and dry habitat, together with a water reservoir, as well as central and side planting areas. It has full ground contact giving connectivity from the integrated deadwood habitat and planting areas to the surrounding ecosystem.
Its unique design allows the roots of all plants to access water in the reservoirs, but also find their way down the sides and into the ground below.
Click on the video below for a demonstration of how simple it is to install a NatureArk.
Deadwood habitat – approx. 20 litres
Wet habitats and dry habitat
Core reservoir – approx. 20 litres
Main planting area – approx. 260 litres
Constructed from untreated timber to avoid the presence of unwanted chemicals, it will naturally decompose over time to further enrich its surroundings.
Height: 50cm
Length: (front to back): 93cm
Width (front face): 116cm
Installation instructions are included
Patents granted: GB 2588793 & GB 2577671
*Package includes free topsoil, deadwood and clay to fill your NatureArk, plus free delivery, total value of £155 (inc.VAT)
BioScapes Limited
The Airfield, Seaton Ross,
York, YO42 4NF