Customer Case Study: Adam Partington’s NatureArk

NatureArk on site at customer's house

As a long-time supplier to BioScapes’ sister company, Rolawn®, Adam Partington followed the development of the BioScapes products with interest.

When the products came to market, he was quick to lead the way, installing a NatureArk® in his garden in November 2021.

Adam has an established garden with ample space for wildlife but recognised the benefits to be gained from the NatureArk’s specially designed habitats.

A major benefit being the part that the NatureArk plays in the education of his family, covering a host of topics around ecology and the natural world. 

Adam says, “Our NatureArk went up in November 2021 and is absolutely flourishing in its second summer. It’s fascinating to watch the plants growing (the teasels, seemingly as you watch them) and it is a wonderful addition to our garden. The pollinators love it, it takes complete care of itself and is a great way for our family to learn all about our native plants and creatures.”

We love to hear about our customers’ experiences with their BioScapes products and woud like to thank Adam for sharing his story. If you have one of our planters in your garden, school or work place, feel free to drop us a line on email to share your story at  [email protected], or you can tag us on social media using the tag @BioScapesuk.

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