Wilberfoss Primary School

Wilberfoss Primary School

Wilberfoss Primary School

Wilberfoss Primary School recently installed a NatureArk as part of their plans to expand on what they were doing for biodiversity in relation to the school curriculum. The school already has a pond, a garden area and trees but the NatureArk was seen as a way to involve the children from all year groups from the start of the process.

“The installation went really well and the children haven’t stopped talking about it. They have taken real ownership from adding the soil to planting the wildflower plugs, with the children all working well together, sharing tasks, tools and making sure that the younger ones felt involved. So far, we have used it as an opportunity for the children to care for plants and observe their growth. We plan to use it regularly as part of science lessons and intend to plan some whole school projects around it.” – Miss Pemberton, Assistant Head


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